Taurine 500mg

Taurine 500mg

$ 19.99

Taurine is one of the most abundant free amino acids in the body.


Taurine appears to have a stabilizing effect on cell membranes and is important in maintaining normal extra- and intracellular distribution of calcium. This in turn has implications on neuronal excitability and the regulation of osmotic pressure. In the retina, taurine helps maintain the structure and function of the visual cells.

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Supplementation can help meet the higher nutritional needs of your more demanding lifestyle or medical condition. Stresses, medical complications, and energetic living can all create a greater need in your specific body for very specific minerals or vitamins. Supplementation can also help correct deficiencies in the very food you are eating, because chemicals used in farming, depleted soils, refinement, preservatives, and additives all create deep imbalances in our food supply itself.


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